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For Sale 1970 Arrow I (200 hp ) for sale

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2016
Reaction score
1970 Piper Arrow I 200, 2870 TTSN, 1469 SMOH, Garmin GNS430w, Narco MK12D with additional glideslope and DME, Appareo Stratus ADS-B out/in, Four Place Intercom, autopilot, ADF, stormscope, perfect paint, nice interior, never a trainer.

200HP + speed mods!

Fresh Annual/IFR Certification with sale. Currently flying aircraft so times may go up.

One of the best maintained Arrow I's on the market! Current owner never deferred a single item! It is in impeccable condition in and out, and flies straight and fast. You won't find a better or faster, or nicer Arrow I 200 hp anywhere! This aircraft is IFR equipped and certified for every type of approach in existence, with autopilot, AHRS, and backup vacuum system, you can fly IFR with confidence.

Complete logs.


Garmin GNS 430 w/ OBI and marker beacons
Narco MK12D OBI w/ 2nd Glideslope and DME
Stratus Appareo transponder w/ ADS-B out and in w/ AHRS
Piper Autocontrol III Autopilot
PM 1000 II Four Place Intercom w/ music Input
King KR87 ADF w/ indicator
Stormscope WX-10 lightning detector
EGT gauge
Backup vacuum system


Total Time Since Airframe 2870. No damage history, never a trainer. Paint is flawless. Kept indoors by every owner.


200 HP. Engine Hours Since Major Overhaul 1469. New mags and fresh rebuild on fuel injection this spring.







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