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Sold 1964 Piper Cherokee 180C

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user 19452

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2018
Reaction score

ACTT - 2300
SMOH - 1170
Complete logs
Always hangered
No corrosion
Never a trainer
uAvionix Skybeacon ADS-B out
Stratus 3 ADS-B in mounted under panel
Stratus external GPS antenna in cockpit
External Stratus ADS-B antenna in cockpit
King KMA 20TSO Audio panel with marker beacon alerts
Garmin GTX 327 Transponder
King KX 155 TSO Nav/Com with Glide slope
Bendix/King KI-209 VOR/ILS/GS indicator
Heated Pitot
Flightcom 403 4 place intercom
Avionics cooling fan
E.I. Digital Tach
CHT/EGT single cylinder
Reiff engine preheat sump/cylinders/battery
Brackett Air Filter
Wing Root fairings
Met Co Aire Wing Tips
Aileron gap seals
Knots 2U Flap gap seals
Wheel pants
Pilot toe brakes
Wing spar inspection panels installed
Main wing spar inspection complete no corrosion
Aft wing-attach fittings inspected no corrosion
BatteryMINDer aviation battery Maintainer/Charger/Desulfator permanently installed in luggage area
New Sky-Tec 149-NL starter

This aircraft has lived it's whole life in Illinois and Wisconsin. I am the fourth owner of the aircraft since new. She has always been hangared and well cared for. She fly's beautifully.
All AD's complied with. She is due for annual in February which my mechanic will perform. So it's a great time to buy and get your new aircraft with a fresh annual. I am hangared in Lansing, IL at KIGQ.

I have flown 57W for over 200 hours but medical issues as well as time/family/grand kids are no longer allowing me to devote the time to the sport the way I previously did.

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