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1.3 × Vso adjusted for weight (?)

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
I was flying my Warrior II very light yesterday (alone, below half tanks), at around 1,850 lb gross weight. According to figure 5-3 in the POH, my full-flap stall speed would be 38 KIAS (vs 44 KIAS at 2,440 lb), so 1.3 × Vso approach speed would be only ~50 KIAS.(*)

Does anyone actually approach that slowly lightly loaded in a Warrior, or do you always stick with the POH number of 63 KIAS, which is designed for maximum gross weight (and also 1.4 × Vso instead of 1.3)?

FWIW, I stuck with the POH number yesterday and approached at 63 KIAS, but I also had a predictably-long float before the wheels would settle with the nosewheel high.

Cheers, David

* Pedantic note: to do this properly, I'd have to convert IAS to CAS, multiply by 1.3, and then convert CAS back to IAS, but it would make no real difference in this case.

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