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take-off and landing height announcer

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  1. Frank Kunnumpurath

    SkyVoice, a co-pilot with bird's eye for safer flying

    SkyVoice Alert LHA 500, the only Take-off and Landing Height Announcer with a LiDAR range of 590ft and repeated gear warnings from 560ft until the gear is down and locked. This feature is designed to prevent gear-up landings. It’s a co-pilot with bird's eye for safer flying. FAA certified as...
  2. Frank Kunnumpurath

    Fly Safely with Portable Talking RADAR AGL Altimeter

    Are you looking for a portable, reliable, and accurate height announcer to enhance your safety? Look no further than the SkyVoice Glassy Guide 400 Quick Install / Portable from Holy Micro! LLC. This 400ft takeoff and landing height announcer is designed for all aircraft, accurate over water and...