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  1. TexFly

    Periodic maintenance

    Hi Everyone. This could appear as an obvious and repetitive post, sorry if it is. Over the years I found it very helpful to keep track of the small items I maintain in my Lance. Things like strut cleaning, leather treatment, carpet vacuuming, spinner shining, etc. I put together a spreadsheet...
  2. I

    Piper Arrow Alternator

    I'm in a bit of a pickle on my 1977 turbo arrow P28R201T. After 2 months in annual we flew down to Sun n' Fun for the weekend and on the flight back we slowly lost charge and Aspen went to battery. We landed in Gainesville Florida and engaged the local maintenance shop. First diagnosis was a...
  3. I

    Maintenance Shop Recommendations in Mid-Atlantic

    I know this is a common request for maintenance shop recommendations but before I posted here I searched back through previous posts a couple years back to see what I could find for recommendations. Found a couple posts but no recommendations for mid-Atlantic area maintenance shops. I've...
  4. Smoke


    Has anyone ever used a site / vendor by the name of https://www.rebatetoolspro.com/? I came upon them while looking for switches and the like. Some of the prices are exceptional, but I don't know a thing about them, and none of my friends do either. Thanks, Susan
  5. J

    Maintenance shop in the San Antonio area

    Hi, I just moved my Piper Turbo Arrow to San Antonio. I'm looking for any recommendations for maintenance shops. I prefer to use a formal shop versus going with an individual A&P. Thanks, John.