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  1. TexFly

    Garmin database subscription discount code

    ...does anyone have any Garmin data subscription discount codes? ;) Thanks!
  2. 1977Pathfinder

    Avidyne IFD 440, Dual G5's and a Trutrak autopilot!!!

    Does anyone have or know if you can have the G5 heading bug control the Trutrak autopilot? I would love to turn a knob closer to my face especially since I already use it for reference! Excuse my compass. Also I would prefer to be able to toggle back and forth.
  3. AVDB

    For Sale GTN Weather Radar Enablement Card

    Owner of a/c changed his mind concerning WXR modernization, the decision was made to install Garmin GWX 75 instead old Bendix/King RDR 2000. as result new unused GTN 7XX Digital Weather Radar Enablement Card, P/N 010-00878–42 is available for sale. Note: this card is work only in GTN 725 or...