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Aztec Fuel Flow Gage lower on left and varies

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Jun 4, 2017
Reaction score
Hello fellow Aztecers and thanks in advance for your collective brain power.
My Aztec pilot who flew last reported that on takeoff, the left engine fuel flow was 4 GPH lower then the right side. In cruise it evened out, but after a while it started to show occasional movement of the needle associated with the props going out of synch. No change in EGT, but I only have a single EGT, not an engine monitor.No change with electric fuel pump on or off.
We pulled the injectors, they were all clear. We hooked the injectors to their lines and measured fuel output and it was equal and good to all injectors. When we did the test we had no fuel flow register on the gage even though the electric fuel pump was pumping lots of fuel into the mason jars.
What do you think could be causing it?

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